Jordyn & Patrick

November 30, 2024 • London, ON, Canada

Jordyn & Patrick

November 30, 2024 • London, ON, Canada

Our Story

Jordyn and Patrick asked their parents to write a bit about their love story. This is what they came up with...

"Jordyn and Patrick's love story reads like a Taylor Swift song, filled with unexpected moments, heartfelt gestures, and a dash of whimsical charm. It all began one hot summer afternoon when Jordyn burst through the door, eyes sparkling as she spoke about how she had met a new friend named 'Spooky.' Much like in a fairytale, this quirky nickname added a touch of magic to Patrick's fun and captivating personality.

Jordyn soon announced that she had joined the history club, a surprising move for her since she had never shown much interest in the past. When asked why, she simply smiled and said, 'Spooky told me it would be fun' and it was clear from this moment that this 'Spooky' had enchanted her heart.

The defining moment of their love song came when Patrick arrived at the house to pick up Jordyn. Pete watched closely from the window as Patrick instructed his front seat passenger to move to the back seat and then, with open arms, he made her heart skip a beat as they embraced. What Pete witnessed was the beginning of a love story so true.

With every shared laugh, playful game and adventure, especially the present thief and the ultimate scavenger hunt leading to their proposal, their love unfolded and their bond grew deeper. Jordyn and Patrick's love story is their greatest bond, a never-ending story of 'us,' forever and always, lovers."

-Jen Hahn and Pete Comrie


"What can we say about Patrick and Jordyn? From the moment we met Jordyn, we knew there was something special about her. After Beth’s first meeting with Jordyn, she said to Patrick afterward, “well, I know you guys are just friends, but if you’d like there to be more someday, that would be totally fine”. Mark was perhaps even more to the point. After meeting Jordyn for the first time he said to Patrick, “she would make a lovely daughter-in-law”. You see, even before it was official and, perhaps even before they knew it themselves, it was clear to those who knew them that there was a special bond between them that surpassed their declaration of themselves as best friends. The way they were with each other; their glances, their encouragement of one another, their shared interests, their obvious joy at being together; all of it just seemed to point to a relationship that would blossom and grow, and would move from the solid foundation of friendship to the love they share now as they prepare to become husband and wife.

We had the distinct pleasure of having Jordyn stay with us for a few months in the summer of 2020 as we weathered the early stages of the Covid pandemic. She immediately melded into our family as if we had known her forever. We discovered just how clever, creative, and fun she is (to name a few of her attributes). We came to enjoy her wonderful cooking and baking; she shared our family’s love of board games and ice cream and together we created beautiful memories of laughter, silliness and stories which we still recall today.

Since then, it has been a joy and privilege to watch Patrick and Jordyn’s relationship grow. They have so many shared interests from escape rooms to board games to puzzles, to reading, to mall dates and so much more. But, equally importantly, they encourage each other in their own pursuits. As much as they are a solid team, they are also exceptional, intelligent people and they encourage each other to grow and flourish as unique individuals.

While we could go on at length about what a fantastic couple these two are, we will conclude by saying that we could not be happier that Patrick has found his true love in Jordyn. They fit together like the final pieces of a perfect jigsaw puzzle and we know they will be truly happy together for the rest of their lives. As parents we have gained a beautiful daughter and we know that our son has gained the best life partner he could ever have asked for. We are all truly blessed."

-Beth Kinghan and Mark Kinghan


"Wow, what a love story this is!!! Having witnessed the story of Jordyn and Patrick has been nothing but breathtaking. It all started out very quiet, somewhat secretive, but we could still sense the happiness when talking to Jordyn. I remember her referring to Patrick as a friend, but the sparkle in her eyes told us it was much more than that. When we got the message that the relationship was official we were so excited and in our minds could not be happier for both of them. They are such a perfect match."

-Jason Hahn and Russell Roth